Ahmed’s Bomb Clock

Well now, lest I be accused of being a little harsh on a poor 14-year-old American (sic) boy, I direct my readers to the following article on young Ahmed Mohamed:

Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock… and Ourselves.

The author does us a favor by reverse engineering Ahmed’s clock, which is not an original creation at all.  Instead it is retail alarm clock disassembled and placed into a “pencil case,” which really looks like a hard suitcase.  It is 100% certain that this Moslem did not build a clock at all, did not invent anything, and has not displayed any engineering prowess by doing this.  All he managed to do was to take the thing apart.  In fact, his electronics knowledge would seem to be questionable, given that he placed a transformer right next to the snooze button.  For those of you who don’t work with electricity regularly, a transformer is an electronic component that either steps voltages up or down (or isolates circuits).  In a power supply, one side of the transformer will have household AC line voltage, which is why you don’t usually place this component out in the open.

Ahmed didn't build anything...
Ahmed didn’t build anything…

One has to wonder the motivation for doing this.  I knew a youth back in 8th grade who did a science project on lasers, and claimed he built a laser using his mother’s ruby ring.  He had no pictures or documentation whatsoever. It is actually impossible to build a laser from a ruby ring, and anyone who knows a little about lasers can tell you that.  The poor lad came from an unstable family and couldn’t come up with a science project, so he presented a delusional fantasy instead.  Perhaps young Ahmed thought that he could pass this off as his own clock.  Or perhaps he thought it would be amusing to bring in a fake bomb and scare the pants off of his fellow students.  Who really knows?

Meantime the police and school administrators would seem to have done the reasonable thing.  And as I said before, when you see Moslems carrying suitcases of electronics, get out of there.

Of course, the larger question of why there are so many Moslems in heartland America is left ignored by this author.  It is the same question I asked when the Chapel Hill attacks took place.  Why are there Mohammadens in Chapel Hill anyway?  Why are they in Irving?  And what are they doing?

If you want the answer, just listen to this Imam.  This isn’t bigotry or racism.  It comes straight out of their own mouths.  They are here to conquer and to build a new Caliphate.  And the man in white says, “take ’em in.”  Grand times we live in.

Ahmed walks into a school…

The Left’s hero of the hour is one Ahmed Mohamed, a 14 year-old boy who was arrested for bringing a hoax bomb to school.  Except, you see, it wasn’t a bomb, but was simply a clock that young Ahmed constructed from parts as an electronics project.  The cacophony of left-wing pundits and opinionists tells us what an outrage–outrage!–it is that the police stereotyped a Moose-lim youth as a bomb-builder because, well, that sort of thing is just never done by Moose-lim young men.  Young Ahmed is now a star, hailed as a hero in Silicon Valley and being invited to the White House for his clock-building.  (Your humble blogger is still awaiting his invitation for his work…)

In defense of the Irving, Texas police, allow me to cite an incident from my own early twenties.  You see, young Mors Sanctorum was an avid electronics hobbyist who used to build similar projects in his father’s basement in between looking for his own place to live.  One day your humble blogger’s father came down and looked at young Mors’ array of wires and components, and said “you better not let your landlord into your apartment or he’ll think you’re building bombs!”  I would point out that I am white as a sheet and bear a clearly Anglo-Saxon name, so my father cannot be blamed for mistaking me for a Mohammaden.  The wires and parts and projects I had constructed were enough for him to make the connection.  So it’s not implausible that if young Ahmed were instead young Stevie and brought such a device to school, the same thing might have happened, especially in a day when school shootings and violence are not unusual.

Still, let us go with the Left’s assumption that our Mohammaden youth was “profiled” because his name was “Ahmed Mohamed.”  So what?  For some of us old enough to remember, Mr. Mohamed’s last name was the first name of a man who flew a 757 into the World Trade Center.  It is the name of the child rapist and false prophet who founded a wicked religion that is menacing the West and threatening our existence.  (A threat with which, unfortunately, we seem willingly to cooperate.)  Young Moslem men blow themselves up with their lovely refrain of “Allahu Akbar!” quite regularly, both in the West and in the battlefields of the Middle East.  And a young Moslem walks into school carrying a jumble of wires and electronics in a suitcase…  Goodness, if it were my call, the bomb squad would be rolling.

The multiculturalists are showing pictures of Ahmed’s family as though it were the most wholesome Texas family you could ever see.  Why there’s mom and grandma, wrapped head to toe in their hejab…  Oh, wait.  Nobody seems to ask the question:  What on Earth these people doing in Irving, Texas anyway?  Why on Earth is place like Irving, nearly fifteen years after the attacks of September 11th, playing host to a bunch of burqa’ed Moslems?

Just your average American family?
Just your average American family?

As I point out in nearly every article on the subject, my own small little suburb is simply crawling with women in hejab.  Even five years ago I never, ever saw a woman in a headscarf here.  Now, I see more than I can count, and even women in full burqa.  Why, in the GOP debate last night, did the candidates for the supposedly conservative party not mention this full scale invasion in their discussion of immigration?  Or the fact that Barak Hussein Obama is planning to take 100,000 more Moslem so-called refugees into the US, basically a small city?

Here is my prediction:  In 5-7 years, Ahmed Mohamed, having been radicalized at a Cambridge mosque, will walk into the MIT cafeteria with a bomb of his own construction.  The last thing his friends will hear before the flash is “Allahu Akbar!”

Meanwhile take some advice:  If you see a guy named Mohammad coming at you with a suitcase with wires sticking out of it, run the other way and ask questions later.