
I know very little about Cross-Fit, which is apparently an exercise craze sweeping the country.  My guess is that there is little admirable in it, and that it does nothing but increase the body-worship which is the disease of our age, promote women to behave like men, and encourage co-ed exercise while wearing immodest clothing.  In short, I doubt there is anything good about it.

As such, I would not particularly expect good behavior from the management of this company, and it comes as no surprise that an executive of Crossfit, Mr. Russell Berger, would be fired for tweeting that homosexuality is a sin.  He is of course, stating the religious conviction of millions and making a statement that would have been uncontroversial throughout almost all of human history, and, even if one does not claim homosexual behavior to be sinful, it is at least a fairly minor issue that he posted his opinion on twitter.

Ironically, he then proclaimed that the “tactics of some in the LGBTQ movement towards dissent is an existential threat to freedom of expression,”  and that the intolerance of the LGBTQ movement is “mind-blowing”.  For which he was subsequently demonized, fired, and his life ruined by the same LGBTQ movement.

The CEO of the company, articulating himself with the level of intelligence characteristic of those who spend most of their time in gymnasiums, said Mr. Berger needed to “shut the f*** up”.

I cannot locate it, but I believe I had read somewhere that Mr. Berger had also claimed to “respect” gays.  If so, that’s his first problem.  There’s nothing to respect in the gay community, nor its promotion of frenetic sexual promiscuity, hormone therapy for children, and gestapo tactics in silencing others.  Nothing at all.  I don’t respect gays or the LGBTQ movement, which glorifies horrendous sin and leads many down the path to Hell, both in this world and in the next.

However, their tactics (actually, strategy) should serve as a reminder to all that they are playing for keeps.  Their core concern is neither promoting sexual license nor gender pronouns, but about power, raw power, and domination of others.  This sort of pathological narcissism is to be expected from sexual perverts, as often discussed by Miss Ann Barnhardt.  The constant hand-wringing from us dissenters does not help at all.

“Oh, I respect gays, and I have many gay friends, but personally I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I would never impose that belief upon others.”  Give me a break.  They’re ready to impose their beliefs upon you, why waste time speaking this way?!

If you’re going to dither, you might as well not say anything.  If you’re going to say it, say it strong.  Homosexuality is perverse and sinful.  Homosexuals’ bodies are cesspools of infection and disease.  The LGBTQ movement is obsessed with power and suppression of orthodox religious belief.  It is a cancer and an evil which is destroying souls.  Making sodomy illegal (for heterosexuals as well, BTW) would be a good start in solving this problem.

Meanwhile, stop worrying about your beautifying your body in gymnasia and start worrying about your soul!