A five year old threat

The “transgender” movement is in full swing now, with the support of the press.  The Washington Post, bastion of liberalism, has just published an article by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ford, Jr., a husband and wife who say that their 5-year old boy is actually a girl.  You see, their boy “came out” as transgender when he was four years old.  Well, that seals the deal.  Now he’s a she!  The headline emphasizes that this girl (sic) is not a “threat.”

This is actually the latest in a series of articles by the Post going back to 2012, in which they report on and validate various children’s claims to be “transgender.”  The Post may have a reputation as a storied and respectable paper, but it’s obvious that in the digital age, they need a little sensationalism to keep people interested.

Meanwhile, to the article:  This boy, whose name is given only as “Ellie”, was “born a male” (i.e., is male), but at age four decided to let the world know “who she truly was.”  Now truth is the correspondence of the intellect to reality, so we have a problem here.  “Ellie” is truly a boy.  In truth, in the objective order of that pesky thing called reality, this child is not a girl.

One might expect the teachers at this child’s school to be a bit more reasonable, but no, they said: “of course she can use the girls’ bathroom … she’s a girl!”  Which, of course, he is not.  Now we come to the threatening part:  “Ellie’s (sic) fellow students, taking the clear cue from teachers and staff, treated Ellie like the girl she is…” (Emphasis mine.) I hope you immediately see how demented this is, but if not, let me help:

  1. There are two genders, male and female.
  2. Your gender is irreversibly determined during the gestational process.
  3. It cannot be changed.
  4. Children are aware, from a very young age, of the difference between boy and girl.
  5. The children in “Ellie”‘s class know he is actually a boy.
  6. They, following the cue of their so-called teachers, now believe “Ellie” is a girl.
  7. “Ellie” is not a girl.
  8. The children now believe that fundamental, basic, and objective reality can be changed on a whim by adults.

Think about it.  This is far worse than it would be had “Ellie” showed up already masquerading as a girl.  They knew him as a boy, and now, with the approbation of the adults involved, they know him as a girl.  This is worse than brainwashing.  Brainwashing substitutes one reality for another.  These adults are destroying the very idea of objective reality in its entirety.

The Fords go on to tell us, in entirely subjective terms, why their boy should be allowed to use the girls room.  If he had to use the boy’s room, why, “She (sic) would cry. She (sic) would withdraw.”  Right, how sad.  Children, at some point, have to learn that they face a reality that exists outside of them and isn’t necessarily to their liking.  Usually it involves some crying and withdrawing, but we all made it through it alright.  How can you ever expect this boy to face the harsh realities of life if he can’t even face the fundamental reality that he happens to be a boy?

Of course, they end their article with the standard plea, the same one that brought us sodomitical marriage:  “And, yes, she wants use the bathroom that matches her gender identity when she needs to pee. Not because that’s special treatment, but because that’s the same treatment everyone else receives. Our daughter wants to be included, just like everyone else.”  Remember that one?  “We just want the same rights as everyone else!  You can be married, why can’t we?!”  Well, this boy has the same right as everyone else–to use the bathroom that matches his gender.  He’s a boy.  He gets to use the boy’s room.

At the end of the day, this child, is in fact, a huge threat.  He (or more properly his adult enablers) are forcing, forcing, a false reality upon those who surround them.  They are forcing others to accept and repeat the lie that this little boy is a girl.  They are forcing us to either buy into their delusion, or else be forced into pretending we do.  They are trying to break the wills of normal, thinking people, and they are winning.  And that’s a huge threat.

Whether Mr. and Mrs. Brown actually believe the lie they are pushing is immaterial.  Note well that Mr. Brown works for the federal government.  This is nothing less than a final push to break your will and mine, to smash us down into the dirt and to force us to lick their boots.  And I guarantee you, the more we give in, the more we capitulate, the more they will do it.  Do you think this is the end?  This is just the beginning.  Once they’ve broken you of your attachment to reality, they can make you do anything.  Just wait.  Just wait.