True to Self

A copy of the alumni magazine for the University of Washington, a school which I did not attend, reached my hands the other day.  Thumbing through it I said to myself, “surely I will find something to object to in here.”  And sure enough, page 18, was a full page spread followed by an article all about the so-called transgender students who are attending UW.  This sort of article is a growing phenomenon with the advent of Mr. Bruce Jenner’s recent change of appearance, and I have written extensively about our collective gender-confusion in the past.   Allow me to belabor some points.

The title of the article was “True to Self,” with the word “True” given in extra large type.  The cover picture for the article is of a Mr. Hoy (real first name unknown), who is rather ludicrously photographed from above wearing a bow in his hair and a white skirt, with a rather fetching purse.  Apparently lost on the writer and editor of the article is the fact that there is nothing true at all about the picture.  A young man presenting himself as a female is being exactly the opposite of true, namely false.  Actually, I suppose this point isn’t lost at all, but rather, the word “true” was selected and emphasized particularly to emphasize that in our time, night can be day, black can be white, and men can be women.  They use the word again in the text of the article, referring to another confused youth, this time a male impersonatrix, who “changed his name to reflect the truth of his gender identity.”  The truth of this young lady’s gender identity is that she is, in fact, a woman.  But the goal of this entire movement is to further the destruction of objective reality, and thus the constant use of the word “truth” in reference to an obvious falsehood.

Sorry honey, you aren't pulling it off.
Sorry honey, you aren’t pulling it off.

Meanwhile the magazine tells us that many poor transgenders are denied “medically necessary” transition money.  As if it is ever medically necessary to jack oneself up with hormones and then lop off one’s penis and get breast implants.  What exactly is “necessary” about that?  This same male impersonatrix, apparently trying to calm people’s minds about her mental imbalance, says “I haven’t fundamentally changed.”  Well, of course not!  You can put on men’s clothes, lop off your breasts, and call yourself by a man’s name, and not really change anything “fundamental.”  Listen sister, fundamentally you’re still a chick.

The entire article refers to these poor souls by the incorrect pronoun, which means that the authoress is lying to her readers.  Lying means saying something the opposite of what you know to be true.  She knows who is a boy and who is a girl, and is willingly stating the opposite of what she knows to be true.

This entire movement has grave practical consequences beyond these troubled individuals.  When a female impersonator gets hired in your office and you are told to call him “her”, you are going to be forced to accept the lie, and lie yourself, or else lose your job.  And God forbid your wife or daughter gets stuck with some dude-in-a-dress when she goes to the ladies’ room.

But beyond the practical, there is simply the dementia of our age, the same dementia which asks us to believe that two men can be married, that people can be divorced and remarried, and that sex isn’t for procreation.  When the very idea of truth is obliterated, and people have lost touch with reality, then you can lead them to do anything you want.  And that’s the truth.